Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mesotherapy FAQs

What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a medical specialty that involves injecting microscopic quantities of natural extracts, homeopathic agents, pharmaceuticals and vitamins into the skin to eliminate fat deposits.

Which cosmetic conditions can Mesotherapy treat?

Although Mesotherapy can be used to treat a broad spectrum of medical conditions, at Saugerties Wellness Center we use it primarily to treat localized fat deposits causing double chins, bra area bulges, love handles, abdominal flab, cellulite, and hair loss.

What is Cellulite and how does Mesotherapy help in Cellulite treatment?

Cellulite is caused by connective tissue bands that hold down the skin, trapping the fat and thereby causing the "dimpling" effect. The medications used in Mesotherapy destroy the connective tissue bands and melt the trapped fat, creating a smooth, dimple-free appearance.

How does Mesotherapy reduce or eliminate fat?

There are two types of receptors, known as alpha-receptors and beta-receptors. When alpha-receptors are stimulated, they produce fat, whereas beta-receptors break down fat when activated. Above the waist, the ratio of alpha to beta-receptors is 1:1. This is true for both men and women. However, below the waist, women have a ratio of alpha to beta-receptors as high as 8:1. Men retain the 1:1 ratio below the waist, which helps to explain why women have a tougher time losing weight in the buttock, hip, and thigh areas. The medications that are used in Mesotherapy stimulate beta-receptors, melt the fat beneath the skin and shrink the fat cells. The dissolved fat is then absorbed by the body and excreted.

Are the treatments painful?

You may feel a slight pinching or burning sensation when the injections are administered. However, we can provide a topical anesthetic that makes treatment virtually painless. Since only small amounts of homeopathic agents are used in Mesotherapy, many patients tolerate the treatment very well. This is due to the fact that the Mesotherapy medications are delivered directly to the body parts that need to be healed, rather than having to be processed by the digestive system.

Are the treatments painful?

You may feel a slight pinching or burning sensation when the injections are administered. However, we can provide a topical anesthetic that makes treatment virtually painless.

Will the results last?

The results do last, especially when combined with exercise and proper nutrition.

Mesotherapy is performed at Saugerties Wellness Center. Financing or no-interest payment plans are available.
Please contact us at 845 246 2804 or by email;

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