Monday, January 28, 2013


What are chemical skin peels?
Chemical peels produce controlled peeling of the skin, which promotes growth of new skin and improved appearance. A variety of chemicals can be used as peeling agents and include lactic,glycolic, trichloroacetic (TCA), salicylic and resorcinol. The different chemical solutions produce different degrees of peeling.

What are chemical peels used for?

Chemical peels are used for the treatment of photo-aging (from sun damage), wrinkles, scarring, acne, precancerous lesions, and discoloration (including melasma, freckles, and age spots).

How are chemical peels performed?

At Saugerties Wellness Center,chemical peels usually begin with microdermabrasion of the skin, followed by application of the appropriate peel.

How long do chemical peels take?

Most peels can be performed within a few minutes, depending on size of the area being treated.

What will my skin feel like after a chemical peel?
The state of your skin after a peel depends on the type of chemical used and your skin type. Superficial peels have limited effects. Medium peels may cause some redness.

How many peels will I need?
Generally chemical peels are done once every 2-3 weeks, until the desired results are achieved. Maintenance peels can then be performed once a month.Most commonly, packages of 4-6 peels are recommended for best results.

How long do the results last?

With good sun protection and the use of proper cosmetics, results can last several months.

What are the risks of chemical peels?

Superficial peels are quite safe, although minor irritation of the skin can occur.

How long after a chemical peel before I can return to normal activities?

With the exception of sun exposure,normal activities can resume right away.

Chemical Peels are performed at Saugerties Wellness Center.Financing options and no-interest payment options available.

Please contact us at 845 246 2804 or by email:

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